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Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Today, I went to the Verizon store to ask about plans for iPhones if I were to get one. I also wanted to learn more about 'mobile hot spots' in lieu of paying the dastardly Comcast an astonishingly high rate for Internet I can only use in my home. I will admit hopping on the iPhone train, is quite attractive. I just don't want to carry around a piece of technology I'm consistently having to worry about. I also find it somewhat appalling how addicted some people get to them. And, am slightly afraid that I could be an annoying addict. Plus, in my world, they're beyond expensive, every month. To do, or not to do, is the consideration of the night.

Also, my world completely changed last week, when I changed roommates on the same day, last week. I'd been at the Y all morning, and wandered around church st. for a bit, when I ran into old college friends. I love that Burlington is small enough for that to still happen. We chatted for a bit, and every time I run into old friends I'm reminded of how amazing friends are. I can't seem to figure out how to open up and let new people in, now, without a lot of effort on their part. I realize now, why I was so rigorously told my life would never be the same as it once was. However, I will say how much more I appreciate life, past and present, as a result of what I've been through. That's not to say I don't have days where the idea of curling up and hiding from the world is much preferred to facing the world. Although, I've learned now, days that begin that way, often end with the biggest successes.
After Mere and Phil dropped me off I went into my half empty apartment and immediately frolicked around the completely empty room in my apartment. For whatever reason, I find it so fulfilling to have a woe open space, to contemplate, or just move around in. A couple hours passed, and Meghan returned to say goodbye, as I'd hoped she would. It's funny, we lived together for over a year, and I doubt that either of us know eachother any better than prior to living together. I suppose, what I relearned about myself, is that when topics are difficult or awkward for me to talk about, I avoid it. Now, that I've realized this, I completely despise it, as conversations with people with similar apprehensions are soo awkward. Awkward? Whose awkward? Oh yeah, everyone... Just some more than others. Yup, getting back on track here, well trying. I went through homeshare VT to find a new roommate. I interviewed 4 people, and the young woman, I brought in, twice. I was very nervous, about my decision, as she just turned 21, and I remember what I was like at that age. I'm still pleased with my decision, thus far.These are out of order now, but I couldn't find this original about the roommate craziness...

1 comment:

Julie/Mom said...

I hope you can spare yourself the worry and hassle of having an Iphone. I know they are soooo tempting,fun and totally cool but I also know how easy it is to loose a phone of any kind. Can you get any insurance on it?
Well I'm sure you've already made up your mind so whatever you decide I hope you like it!
Good luck with your new roomie!
love you....