Hi to all you faithful Courtney fans.
It has been way too long since we have written about Court's progress. Basically her progress is still happening but still on a much slighter scale. She is refining some of her techniques, always striving to do better. I don't see her very often, it is very hard for me not be nearer to her but more than anything Courtney wants her independence back. With her will, stubborness (where did she get that from??) and determination, she will be there faster than anyone imagined. She is still the miracle girl and I am constantly amazed by her spirit. Things are getting very routine for her and I'm sure she'd like to move on faster. As we all know, patience is a virtue.
Courtney is coming home this Sat. to Maine for a week long visit. I will go over to pick her up Friday and hopefully attend two therapies with her.
I hope to post more later on her trip to Michigan last month for a mini family reunion and a memorial service for her Grandfather and Grandmother.
Thanks to all who keep this constant vigil over Courtney. Your prayers and thoughts are greatly appreciated and still very much a large part of her recovery. Please continue to do so. Bless you all.
Love, Julie/Mom
Thanks for the update, Julie! I too was up in Mich. for the memorial service and to see Courtney. She really looks great. We had fun teasing each other and visiting old family sites.
The highlight of the week was watching Court and Sean parasailing over Lake Michigan! It brought tears to my eyes.
Courtney has maintained her fearless, determined, positive spirit. She will always be a great inspiration to me.
Aunt Marti
Ed and I were there as well and had a fabulous time with family. We were thrilled at the progress that Court has made and I also loved the parasailing that Court and Sean did. Julie and I were in the boat and saw the happy faces of both of them.
Here's to more progress in the future.
Cousins Sue and Ed
I still continue to think about you all the time and to wish you the best in your recovery. You're a rockstar and I'm so glad you got to parasail you daredevil you!
As summer comes to an end we were lucky to spend 2 weekends with Sean & Courtney. They came down in June and we took them to a Pearl Jam concert. We were in the front row and made a Eddie Vedder fan out of Courtney. The next day my son Chris took us out on his boat. Unfortunately it was the same weekend that she got the news about her friend Joel. The next time we saw them was in August. We took Court to her first Red Sox game in Boston. She ate hot dogs & popcorn and even did the wave. After the game we went to the Cape to see Sean's Grandparents. There Sean & Court met up with Gary her college professor who took them out on his sailboat. We were hoping to pay a visit to Caleb & Sharyn but time did not permit. Hopefully we will see them on our next visit. In a couple of weeks Court will have her birthday and it will be a year since her cardiac arrest. During that year many tears were shed and many prayers were answered. She has overcome more than anyone her age or any age should, but she is determined to get her life back and she is. Every time I see her she is doing something different. I am so proud of her. When my son started this site he used to end with 'We love you Courtney and can't wait to have you back safe and sound' and God has given her back. All of us hundreds of loyal readers of this extraordinary young girl named Courtney Blasius were touched by her spirit and we all became a family all wishing & hoping every day when we turned on our computers something good & positive was going to be written and most days there was. And like a family we continue to pray and hope for nothing but good things to happen to Courtney. I asked Sean why he hasn't updated this site and his answer was 'because She is now living her life'. When friends ask me how Courtney is doing, I think back to the last day we were at the Cape. It was getting late and Court & Sean were in the hotel's indoor pool so I went to check on them, only to see the lights go off in the pool area and watch them walk thru the door. Just then two young men began to bang on the outside door and when I opened it they asked 'Is she alright?' I looked over to see Court & Sean walking hand in hand, giggling & laughing as they walked down the hall and with a smile on my face I looked back at the two concerned young men and said 'Yes, yes she is alright'.
Much Love,
Sean's Mom Sharon
I had the pleasure of having dinner with Courtney and Julie in Union, Maine last Friday night. As Julie said, each time I see her, I notice that she has become more agile & more independent. I watched this girl (woman!) grow up right next to my daughter, Amy, and watching her face this challenge----LIVE this challenge----- with such determination, I just KNOW she is going to keep going strong.
I love you, Court! Hope to see you again soon, Sweetie.
Thank you Sharon. Your words are so eloquent and so true.
Court should be returning from Aruba soon. I haven't heard how it went, but I talked to her right before she left and I couldn't believe the clarity of her voice. Her speech has really improved. I know Court will never give up on her recovery efforts. I know she reads these blogs, so let's keep it going for a while!
Aunt Marti
Alas, I've been recalcitrant about communications. Then again, I've been a life long 'calcitrant' anyhow, as El Fuego might've said. I missed seeing all the clan in Maine this summer, especially Courtney, the true Olympian of 2008.
Considering the heights she's scaled, the hurdles she's vaulted, and set backs she's triumphed over, Courtney should be on a cereal box instead of some guy with "les grande pieds bizarre' - just my opinion, mind you.
My best to you all.
Toujour Gaie,
Le Frais
第77回 日本ダービー 2010 予想、オッズ、厳選買い目は?人気が平然と馬券に絡む理由とは!?見事に展開を読んで結果を的中させる
第60回 安田記念 2010 予想 オッズ 出走馬 枠順で万馬券をズバリ的中!絶対なるデータが確実に当てるための秘訣
第60回 安田記念 2010 予想 オッズから展開と結果をズバリ当てる!出走馬、枠順など全てを考慮にいれた緻密なデータをもとに検証
気楽に遊べる人募集です♪まずはお友達からヨロシクね!! freedum@docomo.ne.jp
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